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  • Title: Improvement of the thermal design in the SiC PVT growth process
    First author: Yan JunYi;Chen Qisheng;Jiang YanNi;Zhang H
    Abstract: The physical vapor transport (PVT) method is used to grow silicon carbide (SiC) crystals, which are difficult to be grown by other methods. In this paper, a field-coordination theory is involved to optimize the SiC PVT growth process. By using a finite volume-based computational method, we calculate the flow field as well as species concentration field before and after improvement of the thermal design, respectively. The shape of the SiC crystal grown using the improved thermal design is also shown.
    Contact the author: Chen Qisheng
    Page number: 34-37
    Authors units:
    PubYear: 2014
    Volume: 385
    Unit code: 115111
    Publication name: JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH
    The full text link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2013.02.031
    Full papers:
    Departmens of first author: NML
    Paper source:
    Paper type: AK
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    ISSN: 0022-0248