• 姓名: 许向红
  • 性别: 女
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 010-82543669
  • 传真: 无
  • 电子邮件: xxh@lnm.imech.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址 北京市北四环西路15号


  • 200710 -  ,中科院力学所非线性力学国家重点实验室,助研、副研

    200510 - 200710月,北京航空航天大学,博士后

    20013  - 200510月,中科院力学所,理学博士


  • 复杂环境结构振动特性






  •  《实验力学》编委


  • 2004年,中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖




    22. R Zhou, XH Xu*. Dynamic parameter optimization of high-speed pantograph base on swarm intelligence and machine learning. International Journal of Applied Mechanics (Q2), 2023.

    21. XH Xu*, HC Zhang, XD Wei, MZ Wu, ZQ Zhang, ZY Ye, RP Wu, SJ Huang. Experimental study on natural vibration characteristics of double-strip high-speed pantograph head. Experimental Mechanics (Q2), 2023.

    20. B Liu, XH Xu*. Experimental and numerical study on the axial and oblique crashworthiness of thin-walled structures of hedgehog spines. Thin-walled Structures (Q1), 2023, 189: 110892.

    19. B Liu, XH Xu*. Study on impact resistance of bionic interlocking brick-mud structures. Composite Structures (Q1), 2023, 318: 117103.

    18. XZ Wang, XH Xu*, Y Gu. Dynamic response of Voronoi structures with gradient perpendicular to the impact direction. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (Q2), 2022, 61(1): 513-525.

    17. B Liu, XH Xu*. Mechanical behavior and mechanism investigation on the optimized and novel bio-inspired non-pneumatic composite tires. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science (Q2), 2022, 61: 250-264.

    16. ZQ Wei, XH Xu*. Numerical study on impact resistance of novel multilevel bionic thin-walled structures. Journal of Materials Research and Technology (Q1), 2022, 16: 1770-1780.

    15. MZ Wu, XH Xu*, YZ Yan, Y Luo, SJ Huang, JS. Multi-parameter joint optimization for double-strip high-speed pantographs to improve pantograph-catenary interaction quality. Acta Mechanica Sinica (Q2), 2022, 38(1): 521344.

    14. ZQ Wei, XH Xu*. Gradient design of bio-inspired nacre-like composites for improved impact resistance. Composites Part B (Q1), 2021, 215: 1-11.

    13. ZQ Wei, XH Xu*. FEM simulation on impact resistance of surface gradient and periodic layered bionic composites. Composite Structures (Q1), 2020, 247: 112428.

    12. L Zhang, B Liu, Y Gu, XH Xu*. Modelling and characterization of mechanical properties of optimized honeycomb structure. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design (Q2), 2020, 16: 155-166.

    11. GY Bai, XH Xu*, JH Wang, N Sun. Single leg weight limit of fixation model of simple supracondylar fracture of femur. Acta Mechanica Sinica (Q2), 2019, 35(4): 926-939.

    10. Y Gu, XH Xu*. Novel Gradient Design and Simulation of Voronoi Structures. International Journal of Applied Mechanics (Q2), 2018, 10(7): 1850079.

    09. XH Xu*, SL Sheng, C Tian, WJ Yuan. A comparative analysis of reticular crack on ceramic plate driven by thermal shock. Science China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy (Q1), 2016, 59(7): 1~6.

    08. XH Xu*, ZK Lin, SL Sheng, WJ Yuan. Evolution mechanisms of thermal shock cracks in ceramic sheet. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME (Q2), 2016, 83(7): 071001.

    07. XH Xu*, WJ Yuan, C Tian. Dependence of thermal shock crack on specimen width for ceramic materials. International Journal of Applied Mechanics (Q2), 2016, 08(03): 1650042.

    06. XH Xu*, SL Sheng, WJ Yuan, ZK Lin. Effect of grain size on thermal shock property of alumina ceramic. International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 05(01): 1650004.

    05. XH Xu*, C Tian, SL Sheng, ZK Lin, F Song. Characterization of thermal-shock cracks in ceramic bars. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy (Q1), 2014, 57(12): 2205-2208.

    04. XH Xu, G Wang, FJ Ke*, WH Wang. In situ observations on the fracture process of metallic glassy ribbons. Scripta Materialia (Q1), 2008, 657-660.

    03. XH Xu, MF Xia, FJ Ke, YL Bai*. Experimental evidence of critical sensitivity in catastrophe. Pure and Applied Geophysics (Q3), 2006, 163(9): 1751-1767.

    02. XH Xu, SP Ma, MF Xia, FJ Ke, YL Bai*. Synchronous multi-scale observations on rock damage and rupture. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (Q1), 2005, 44(2): 146-156.

    01. XH Xu, SP Ma, MF Xia, FJ Ke, YL Bai*. Damage evaluation and damage localization of rock. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (Q1), 2004, 42(2): 131-138.


     6. 燕永钊, 许向红*, 王烯州, 耿浩森, 黄思俊. 高速受电弓气动减阻的仿真优化研究. 力学与实践, 2022, 44(2): 276-284.

     5. 吴孟臻, 刘洋, 许向红*. 高速弓网系统动力学参数敏度分析及优化. 力学学报, 2021, 53(1): 76-83.

     4. 燕永钊, 许向红*, 张颢辰, 吴孟臻, 吴荣平, 戴云雷. 弓网接触力在线测试方法研究. 实验力学, 2021, 36(3): 309-316.

     3. 魏向东, 焦敬品, 吴荣平, 张志奇, 许向红*. 高速受电弓固有振动特性的实验研究. 实验力学, 2020, 35(1): 67-72.

     2. 张志奇, 吴孟臻, 燕永钊, 张颢辰, 吴荣平, 魏征, 许向红*. 高速受电弓下框架等效阻尼的实验研究, 实验力学, 2020, 35(3): 425-431.

     1. 叶梓佑, 刘龙飞, 吴荣平, 吴孟臻, 许向红*. CED400型高速受电弓精细动力学模型影响因素研究. 力学与实践, 2019, 41(3): 265-269.


     4. 许向红、燕永钊. 一种弓网接触力在线测试方案. 发明专利号ZL202011033271.9, 授权日期2021.11.23.

     3. 许向红、张颢辰、魏向东. 一种非接触式测量受电弓模态的方法. 发明专利号ZL201811372987.4, 授权日期2021.3.26.

     2. 许向红、张颢辰. 一种非接触式受电弓弓头碳滑块厚度检测方法. 发明专利号ZL201811024228.9, 授权日期2020.9.29.

     1. 许向红、张颢辰、叶梓佑. 一种非接触式受电弓升降弓臂杆位置关系测量方法. 发明专利号ZL201811013065.4, 授权日期2020.8.28.


  • 14. 国铁集团科技研发重大课题(第一参加),时速400公里低阻力低噪声受电弓关键技术研究, 2021.12~2024.8

    13. 企业委托项目(负责),CED420CED450CX型高速受电弓关键技术研究, 2022.7~2024.12

    12. 企业委托项目(负责),CR450动车组高速受电弓气动阻力及噪声计算分析, 2021.10~2022.6

    11. 企业委托项目(负责),高速受电弓动力学高可信度仿真分析技术研究,企业委托项目,2020.8~2021.12

    10. 中国科学院科学事业单位修缮购置专项资金仪器设备购置类项目(子平台负责),高速列车动模型实验平台横风模拟装置子平台关键构件动力学响应在线监测集成系统2018.1~2021.12

    9. 北京市发改委怀柔科学城第一批交叉研究平台项目(子平台负责),先进载运和测量技术综合实验平台子平台高铁关键部件动力学特性仿真试验平台2017.1~2022.12

    8. 企业委托项目(负责),主断路器真空包受力特性研究,2018.7~2019.7

    7. 国家自然科学基金应急项目(负责),热障陶瓷涂层的高抗热冲击性能优化设计,2017.1~2017.12

    6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(负责),超高温陶瓷热冲击损伤演化的同步辐射研究,2017.1~2020.12

    5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(负责),陶瓷热冲击裂纹演化与其残余强度内在关联的实验研究,2013.1~2016.12

    4. 国家自然科学基金专项基金(负责),多尺度力学的核心问题研究, 2011.01~2014.12

    3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(负责),珍珠母界面微结构、力学性能和仿生研究,2009.01~2011.12

    2. 中科院优秀博士论文获得者科研启动专项资金(负责),超高温陶瓷的热震破坏机制研究,2009.01~2011.12

    1. 中国博士后科学基金(负责),非均匀介质局部化的形成机理和发生条件,2007.10~2018.12